LuLu Hypermarket in Egaila, Kuwait

Lulu Hypermarket | Supermarket | Department Stores in Egaila, Kuwait, Address | Phone number | Email | Location | Opening hours

Find LuLu Hypermarket near by your area and their address, phone number, location map, opening hours, Email, Fax, Services / Facilities offered in and more below.

Sama mall, EgailaGeneral Manager : Kochu Mohammed,email :,P.O. Box : 49855
P.C : 85159, Egaila

Opening hours:

Phone number:
[icon name=icon-phone] +965 22207277

View location of LuLu Hypermarket in Egaila, Kuwait on google maps

Fax: +965 22207278


Lulu Official website:

Lulu shopping online

Lulu webstore: To shop online, visit

Lulu Customer service number / email

Phone: 22052622


Lulu Hypermarket | Grocery | Supermarket website:

Products / Categories at Lulu Kuwait:

-Fashion and Lifestyle
-Grocery and Fresh food
-Home Decor and Household

Careers at Lulu Kuwait:


LuLu Hypermarket, the retail division of the multidimensional and multinational LuLu Group International has always been known as a trend setter of the retail industry in the region. Today, LuLu symbolizes quality retailing with 131 stores and is immensely popular with the discerning shoppers across the Gulf region.

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