Sabaidee Thai Cuisine – Restaurant in Salmiya, Kuwait City, Kuwait

Sabaidee Thai Cuisine – Restaurant Address, Phone number, Location, Opening hours, Email in Salmiya, Kuwait City, Kuwait

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Address: Street 15, Block 9,Salmiya, Kuwait

Phone: +965 6996 6164

Email: sabaideegroup

Opening hours: Monday-Sunday :11am-11pm

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About Sabaidee Thai Cuisine:

Sabaidee in Thai means be well, be fine, feel comfortable, feel relaxed or
feel soothed Inspired by concept of Thai culture art & moral blending with Thai contemporary style, Sabaidee Restaurant was founded by Thai people, who love cooking & tasting through the best Thai cuisine in varying regions in Thailand.
At Sabaidee, you will always find Delicious and Healthy Meals with affordable price.

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