SultanChef – Restaurant in Salmiy, Kuwait City, Kuwait

SultanChef – Restaurant Address, Phone number, Location, Opening hours, Email in Salmiy, Kuwait City, Kuwait

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Address: Salmiya, Kuwait

Phone: +965 2577 0844


Opening hours: Monday-Sunday -:12am -11pm

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About SultanChef:

The name of the Republic of Turkey rose during the twenty-first century and man- aged to become in the ranks of the Great Powers. Turkeys impact expanded between different countries in the world. Turkey now is a mixture of heritage and civilization, progress and modernity. This was the venue for all important areas of life, and from which the Sultanchef Restau- rant launched. Sultanchef specializes in the art of barbecue meat and types of Turkish luxury.
Sultanchef..Steakhouse restaurants are known as anAmerican or Brazilian invention. How-ever, many of the Turkish chefs who aretalented and distinguished gourmets inluxurious meat insisted that Turkey isdistinctive in the way of offering grilledmeat and it had a great success. It is thatwhat is making Sultanchef special.Sultanchef restaurant focus on three mainthings: Good selection of meat from vealand beef the pastures of Turkey. Specialpreparations for the meat and the artisticchipping. Serving luxurious meat whichhas been prepared specially for each visitor.Luxury meat..Luxury meat..A Fine piece of meat may spoil if its not cooked properly. With an experience from the best restaurants in Istanbul, our chefs can provide the best meat experi- ence to our visitors. Starting from the preparation then the grilling over char- coal, and then presented in a distinctive display for visitors. Sultanchef has a unique way in the presentation of the dishes. We do not offer all the dishes at once, but one dish after another, so that each dish has its own taste and distinctive- ness on the table.

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