Al Shaheed Park – Park in Soor Street, Kuwait City, Kuwait Address | Phone number | Email | Location | Opening hours
You can find Al Shaheed Park – Park address, number, location here:
Address: Al Shaheed Park Kuwait City, Soor Street, Opposite Al Tijaria Tower
Phone: 965 22461267
Park Open timimgs: Saturday to Thursday : 5:00am to 10:00pm Friday : 1:00pm to 10:00pm
Al Shaheed Park Museums Opening hours:
Saturday to Thursday : 9:00am to 9:00pm Friday : 1:00pm to 9:00pm
Facilities in Al Shaheed Park – Park Soor Street, Kuwait City
Thekra (Historical Museum), The Habitat, The Visitor Center, The Clinic, The Underground Parking, The Amphitheater, The Jogging track, The bicycle lane, Open grass area
Al Shaheed Park – Park official website:
About Al Shaheed Park
Al Shaheed park, located on the periphery of Kuwait city, narrates the story of a land, its history and culture. The park consists of 200,000 m2 of greenery, featuring beautiful botanical gardens, two museums – Thekra & the Habitat, a visitor center, a lake, walkways and jogging tracks, making it the largest urban park in Kuwait.
Al Shaheed Park Photo Gallery
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